Bring Me To Life

Women’s Wellness

Women know best when it comes to their health, which is why we are a female-led, not-for-profit organisation, specifically focusing on women’s wellbeing and the challenges presented by the gender gap women face in accessing a good standard of personalised care for their overall health and wellbeing. Bring Me To Life Women’s Wellness CIC seeks to ‘plug’ the gender-gap within local services in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, by making various different methods, therapies and opportunities, centred around wellness, available to all women from all walks of life, in order to support their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

We believe that every woman in this country, despite age, ethnicity, sexuality and social-economic status, should feel empowered to take control of their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Ultimately, enabling them to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what they want out of life. Past experiences, attitudes and outlook can all impact wellbeing as can physical or emotional trauma following specific events. We hope that by delivering various methods of support in a variety of indoor and outdoor settings, we can inspire women to become their own healers, live more fulfilled and purposeful lives and educate their daughters and loved ones in the importance of nurturing their own health and wellbeing despite what adversities they may face throughout their lives.

What We Do

How it all began…

“As we all as a nation recover from the pandemic and continue to live in uncertain times, it's paramount that we don't ignore the impact this has had upon mental health and suicide rates. The pandemic has exacerbated people's mental health conditions and created new ones, particularly women’s… For me it brought years of undealt with emotions and trauma that had been bubbling away to the surface…

I went to the darkest place on earth. 

As Long as I can remember I have struggled with my mental health. Depression, post-natal depression, suicide ideation and self-harming. In January 2020 I self referred to the local IAPT service and was told I needed counselling but I would have to wait 6 months.

I carried on working, being a mum, being a wife… living through a pandemic-like everyone else. July came and I had a breakdown. I was severely depressed, overwhelmed with anxiety and completely burnt out. Inevitably, my GP deemed me unfit for work.

I was at a place where I reached out to 3 people and told them what was really going on and that the only reason I was telling them was so that they could keep me safe, I needed them to know I wasn't safe on my own.

It was 12 months before I made the top of the waiting list for counselling. 

12 months…During that time my children almost lost their mum, my husband, his wife and my mum, her daughter. 

Towards the end of last year when I had begun to feel some peace, I found some courage to share 'my truth' about my struggles with mental health on social media, all in the hope that I could reach just one person and they would think... ‘me too’. That could relate to my pain and would seek help, talk to someone or simply just realise they are not alone. As it turns, this is not just my story, it’s the story of 100’s of women across Wakefield. When I shared my experience on social media I had messages from people I hadn't spoken to in years..people I didn't know...extended family.. Turns out my truth made it easier for some people to speak their own truth and they found comfort in my words. What was truly humbling was hearing that I had given people HOPE. 

I realised there was power in the gift of hope and companionship that people, who have walked a similar path, can give each other by sharing their experiences. I knew then what I needed to do… be the change I wanted to see….to pioneer, build and lead a positive mental health community supporting and empowering women. 

Here we are today- Bring Me To Life - Women’s Wellness CIC”

Catherine Breadmore — Founder of Bring Me To Life - Women’s Wellness

Make a donation.

Our mission is to support and empower women to take control of their health and wellbeing through preventative interventions to promote positive mental health and self-management. Ultimately, improving women’s wellbeing within local communities.

If you would like to donate to assist in our continued work helping women across the Wakefield district please click the donate button below. We would be very humbled and grateful for your support.



Feel free to contact us using the contact form or drop us an email.
